Cheering You Along!
This past Sunday was All Saints Sunday. At church, reading names of those who've died in the year before and bringing flowers forward give us the opportunity to remember and honor those who have gone before us. My church choir in Ohio sang a beautiful piece called Clouds of Witnesses whose words remind us that we are surrounded by those who have gone before us in faith.
Hebrews 12:1-2 says: "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith".
Rick Renner on his website explains the word cloud is taken from the Greek word nephos. It describes clouds — just like the clouds you see in the sky. Renner goes onto say the Greek word nephos, translated “clouds,” has an additional meaning that is very exciting when understood in the clouds of witnesses context. In ancient, classical Greek times, the word “clouds” was used to describe the highest seats in the bleachers of a stadium.
What an amazing and powerful image as we face our daily lives. We are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses - heavenly bleachers packed to the clouds who are cheering us on, steadying our steps, and reminding of what we need to do – throw off everything that so easily entangles us (sin, distractions, our own will) – and run the race with perseverance.
I can think of several people in my life, some gone before me who I envision as cheerleaders as I walk this journey. They were examples of faith, guiding me as they lived their lives.
My Gram (my dad’s grandmother, my great grandmother), born in 1875, widowed at 40 and lived to be 100, comes to mind first. She lived with family members from the day her husband died until her death. She lived with my parents for 18 years – from the day they were married. I was there for 16 of those years. She didn’t drive. She made THE.BEST.BREAD. She walked the walk and talked the talk of a life of faith. I heard her warble hymns from her room and read her well-worn Bible. She was gentle and fun. She was my playmate when I was young and I learned about the grace and beauty of time with your elders through daily life with Gram.
My Gram’s granddaughter, Alice, is another. She was my cool second cousin that I called Auntie Alice. She had me babysit her great kids. She inspired me to be a teacher and she and her husband modeled prayer and being a witness to faith in the day to day. She prepared me for my journey of being a parent of a child with special needs in ways that to reveal themselves in my life today.
I truly see these two precious saints- and so many others- cheering me on, reaching out to grab my hand when I falter and reminding me of their lessons and impact on my life.
The devil is delighted in distracting us and pulling us away from claiming our faith and growing in our relationship with God. When faced with life as it comes, I know how easy it is to respond in ways that are not in line with what God asks of us or what is pleasing to him – worry, fear, trying to handle it all ourselves, etc. We have to work hard at that NOT being our default setting. At least I do!
Picture that cloud of witnesses! Hear them! Let them pull you along the race course and keep your eyes fixed on Jesus! Feel their daily encouragement and see their daily life examples. At the same time, work to be that saint to someone in your life today. Who will see YOU as a model of faith in their lives?